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will the full game be on here aswell?

Thank you for the question, and I'm sorry it has taken me a bit to get to it. This will need to be a conversation for me to have with the publishers and see how we can make it work. I will be having this conversation though!

Also - If you are adverse to Steam, you can currently acquire MoonFire on the Epic Store as well as GoG =]


i understand! Please let me know when you get the game on here - it’s easier for me. :D

I just wanted to pop back in and say a full game release for MF on Itch has not been forgotten x3
I plan to make a devlog post when some stuff gets figured out with the publisher first (Nothing too bad) It's just a matter of sorting some other things out as well.


Hi! Sorry for the late reply! I been crazy busy with school! Im glad you havent forgotten about the game, i am rlly interested but patient in playing the game so noo rush! Thank u for all ur hard work so far!!

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Hi! I am dream 
I love the art style it is so beautiful, and the story I am in love with it!!!!!
I might repeat a few times to get what I want, heh I got really excited I loved every part of it, I mean it especially since I might get a bit, a BIT obsessed with this stuff heh I really had a lot of fun and I would like some tips of digital art maybe I wanted to make my own VN but art is not good enough when I make it, heh sorry I got really excited sorry!!!

note: after I read what I texted I looked like a fanboy, not that is bad but a bit funny because I do not look like one lol but hey it is good that I reacted like that so really thank you, oh and I AM NOT AGAINST THE LGTB PEOPLE MY COMMENT DOWN THERE WAS ABOUT FEMALE CHOICE EXISTING !!!!!!!!! 

I need to learn how to comment better so I am sorry that I am wired like I am a loner and all so IDK how to speak to people 


Oh thank you so much for such kind words 🙏😭
You found us just in time, as we'll be releasing the full game on Steam in less than a month!

And no fret, you can always grow your talents. If you really like the VN creation side of things, or writing, or whatever your skill set is, you can always still make a VN with friends or commission help with the art =]

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on the side, I don't really have a lot of friends and well I can not pay for art so I am broke, oh and well I am RN thinking of writing a fanfiction about my OG in MLB With a new original box  and a sad back story- ehm sorry I got distracted  so yeah I can not ask a friend for help and I can't pay for art it will be too much for me ;-;

Hello, will you be doing the Russian language

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I've had this conversation with my publisher but sadly we won't be doing any translation due to the amount of dialogue/words in the game.

However, Moonfire is made in Unity, with all the dialogue and some other texts input through unity text UI system, so there are mods you can use that auto translate Unity UI Text to your language for you, I've already had one streamer I saw doing it for Moonfire.

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I totally understand if you don't want to do all that for my game, so no biggy. But just wanted to let you know for other unity games as well, it's a pretty neat feature. I believe it's called Xunity Autotranslator ^^

Ive got a question. Are all the love interests male?


I wouldn't necessarily call them love interests, but the answer would be No.

Out of the first 4 main companions, you have two girls and two guys.

Cool. I'm gonna try out your game. I've been aching to play an rpg.

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That's awesome - thank you and have fun!


thx God !!!!

will we get a mac version

It is not in the plans just yet. But if we hear more desire for it then I will try to make it work. After the PC release, I'll be working on a mobile conversion first as well.

I have tow question. when it's fully released will there be also a android version? and when will this full game be released ? 

Hello, happy to answer!

1] I'll begin an android version starting after the release of MoonFire for PC. Since I am just one person I can only do so much while trying to complete the original game, but it is planned to come!

2] There are talks with the publisher so we're still in planning phase for the release of the game. We are hoping for Summer but a guaranteed date has yet to be set. Feel free to follow us here or on Steam so you don't miss out on any information we get to share.

Quick quesstion, since the upcoming full release will be in this year. Does this mean the entire chapter of this story will be covered together?

So the demo on itch is currently Chapters 1 and 2 only. All the chapters (8 total) will be in the full game release. If I'm assuming you are asking if the story will release all at once, the answer to that is also yes. Once you pay for the game you'll have access to the entire story as it will all be released day one. I hope I answered that right, feel free to correct me if I was mistaken on your question.

We did just get picked up by a publisher recently, so we're still figuring out some release situations. It'll be best to follow and Wishlist on Steam as well so you don't miss when we release.

When the game is fully released do I still need to pay for it?


Okay, I'm just gonna ask, because it seems that every game that has werewolves that look like Hugh Jackman from Van Hellsing is a Bara game, (sorry, I'm straight, but respect to the makers of such!), is this game SFW or if it's NSFW is it all Bara or is there something for straight dudes like me? Sorry if this sounds offensive, not trying to be, just kinda jonesin' for a good werewolf game, but there's basically barebones at best besides Bara games. Seriously, why do wolves always get sidelined for RPG's or used for Bara?

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Heya, thanks for wording the question to not seem offensive, it was not received as such. To be on point, MoonFire is not Bara nor is it NSFW. We would be forefront with any information if it was 18+ rated.

MoonFire is a medieval VN-RPG with animal characters, with the focus of the story on the player - the main characters - and their roles in the world the player falls into. Since we have 55+ total characters, some will represent many other interests, because I like to create vast characters with different appeals and personalities.

Stenmere (The built 'werewolf') is one of many, but I think in reference to a 'bara' style there is really only like 2-3 others like him in that entire pool of characters. If those were factors you were unsure of, I'd say you may find this game interesting, as there are a majority of non bara-esque characters within it and no one person is meant to find all 55+ characters appealing/likable.


Sounds good to me! And again, heh, sorry!

Thanks for making this! We need more content creators like you more than ever!

Happy Holidays!


Thank you - much appreciated.

Happy Holidays !

Was this made in Renpy or some other program? I love the game so much been checking nonstop from my steam wishlist to see when it will be released

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First, thank you so much Amaranth!~

Its being made in Unity and full release coming 2024. I had to push it out just a tad to get everything together.

Hey, is the MoonFire upload by anthonytheman legit or a scammer trying to take your work?

My friend just download the game upload by anthonytheman accidentally, and there's a malware run on his PC when he play the fake game, for a while his Discord account start send the anthonytheman's fake game page on itch dot io to his friends (include me).

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Definitely a scam! Please do not download or click any links not sent from us or anything not from this official account!

We're contacting itchio currently and hoping it can be taken care of

Hello! I have a question, is MC a human or anthro? 


According to the story description, they're human:


Hey this looks really neat! I'll be awaiting y'alls release owo

I did see in a few comments that the lack of romance off-put them--tbh I play mostly romance novels, but I do enjoy those ones that aren't. It's not a big turn off for me, but if there is "bonding" where you get to know the characters well, like "trust" levels or something, that'd be cool!


Thank you, that is good to know! Yuy yup, you can bond with several of the companions in the game as well. Sort of a close friendship, if you want to get to know more about them.


really want to try this game but mc being human stops me :(


Right. Unfortunately there will always be stylistic choices that won't please everyone.

Do note though, there's a reason for it and is heavily story/lore based rather than just a random decision. It is unfortunate that stops you from experiencing MoonFire, maybe next time!


Indeed, story and lore come first. It is also neutral, as anyone can relate to a human. However, if the MC is defined as fox, wolf, or cat, etc... some people who prefer another species that the MC is not might feel left out.


Thank you much, Ocean! Very good point as well


downloaded the game for the dnd style combat, and stayed for the excellent story

10/10 can't wait for the full game.

Mac version?

Here is an FAQ -


Enjoying the story so far.   Can't wait to see where it goes.

Thank you so much! =D

From just a glance, it sort of reminds me of winds of change. I must say, perhaps you could get more people by including some romance in it. Or nsfw. I saw you already made a post about it, but I simply wished to say something. A lot of the popular visual novels do tend to have some sort of romance option in them. I love seeing new visual novels that flourish. Yours seems like it could very well be one of the popular ones. I know its up to you on how to make the novel, which is totally fine! Its still a good story which really defines the whole visual novel. I for one greatly enjoy romance VN's. I do also tend to share the visual novels I really enjoy with other people to try and get more people to download them. Either way, I will recommend this to my friends and others! ^^ I was just curious if you would maybe add romance in the future. But it seems like its well made and I look forward to the future.

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Thank you for the comment! Yeah I definitely think more people may enjoy it if it had romance, which is why I decided to add bonding to at least have some of that aspect. But we're also trying to separate ourselves from most other VNs out there.

However, with how far I am now in the writing, I feel like it might not feel authentic to change it to romantic in any sense. I honestly think I could make a really intriguing game if I made the premise around that instead, so I can definitely see myself doing another game with a rich, romanticism aspect and mechanics involved in the future.

So whether you want to stick around for MoonFire specifically, or follow us for games in the future, would love to have you around! ^^ 


Ah if you do make a game in the future about romance, I would really enjoy it. But I will try this one!

Amazing Demo, im still playing it, but gotta a question, is it just for the demo version or the game is really planned to run on limiting how the saving works? Or does manual save option appears later in the story? 
it would be nice to be able to manually save the game where we wanted even if said save slots were limited to 2 or 3.


Thank you!

With the vision that is planned, there is only meant to be a singular auto save. In V0.3.1 we just barely introduced a Chapter Reset, but is meant primarily if you run into any issues, at least for now. It could probably be used to restart a chapter if you really wanted to though.

Judging from the response to android build questions, I don't expect it, but is a Mac version planned?


I can't say it's planned but I do want to look into it, especially as interest for a Mac version seems to be growing. Sorry I wish I could say more its just hard to have firm answers for all of that just yet ^^

If you don't mind me asking, is there a date on when the android version will be updated?


Questions are fine! 

Unfortunately, I don't have a plan for it anytime soon. The mobile version takes a looot of time changing up and optimizing. I really need to focus my time on the main game and get it to completion before I can focus other versions.

Originally the first mobile version was just to try out for fun and all as well. I actually like how it turned out and it'll be coming eventually just no dates set for it.


Ah I see. Thank you so much for answering my question! ^^


You're welcome !


I am hooked! I like the mystery of the players arrival and how humans are a rare sight, it makes me the player feel important, but i am enjoying the companions the most, as i want to actually get to know them overtime.


I hope everyone enjoys the Demo expansion ^^

any chance of a Mac version ?


It's possible, I just don't have a mac to test the build on. I could always try a client.

Without knowing the interest for a Mac version, I just haven't put much thought into it. I could try it out if there's interest though.


well now you know there is at least 1 person interested, but don't worry if you don't wanna XD


Fair enough haha. For future sake, you can contact us through our site - We'll let you know if/when it goes live. And if you wanted, can let us know feedback on how it works.



Got a problem. I downloaded the app on Android and whenever i open it, it just crashes it just shows this picture, couldn't screenshot it from ingame so i just screenshotted the picture shown here. Idk if my ram cant take it or its the app.

Hey Firefox. Thank you so much for the report! I had this personal issue on my phone when the build was originally too large, and was hoping it was fixed by that update.
It could be your phone, but this issue should still be fixable on our end so I'll gladly go back to it and see.

If you wanted to drop your phone model, I'll be able to see the specs and to make sure I can make a version that is compatible with most androids.


My phone model is Vivo Y11

Thank you for the info! It's a startup issue as its trying to load everything, so I should be able to work it out a bit better so it's playable on phones like yours.

Bought a very cheap $20 phone to try to mess with settings and reduce file size but can't get it to run. It was the cheapest I could find and only had 1 gb ram though so I'll go back and try to get the demo to at least run baseline on 2-3gb ram phones..


keep it guys it a great story i cant wait when the full game come out on steam 

We are just as excited for the full game as you are! Thanks so much!


Awesome game! Great story, music is perfect, and I love all the characters and their designs! Can't wait to grab this when it's out on steam!

Hey Hornet! Thanks for the kind words ^^

congrats on the game!! It’s a really good looking game. the story is great and the characters/environment are really well designed!!

Thanks Connor =D

Great story, characters, music, everything! Definitely a high recommend to anyone that enjoys a well crafted fantasy world/story. Keep it up! :D

Thanks so much! There's definitely a lot to the story

Played it, was good. Will keep a look out for the full game when it (hopefully) comes out.

Thanks! Definitely keep a loot out.

Never played a visual novel before but this was fun ^w^

Always good to hear ^^

i really love how it’s going! Keep up the good work!!!!

Thank you!

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What will battle system look like? Will it be a full-fledged combat or just small encounters outcome of which will be decided by dice and/or stats like in Disco Elysium?

It will not be anything full-fledged, as combat is not the primary focus of gameplay. However it will be expanded upon into a Story/Turn-based style combat. Mostly relating to skill checks.

Hope that answers it ^^


Does this VN-RPG have Romance/NSFW?


Its still getting finalized how exactly I envision it, but there will be a bond mechanic of some kind. It will not be romance or NSFW exactly but I am not entirely against the idea of either an NSFW DLC or just opening the game up to modding so people can recreate whatever they desire.

I cant wait to see the full vers <3 It was good


Thank you~! ^^ I honestly can't wait to show more!! If I may ask- can you leave a review score if you haven't yet? It helps out tremendously

I already left one <3 im glad to help

Oh silly me. Thanks so much !

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Man, this game was so good that i want to play more! I'll buy it as soon as release to Steam :)


Thank you so much! That means a lot! The Kickstarter for the project is currently up if you'd like to take a look.

If you'd rather wait that is fine too! Feel free to wishlist on Steam!


Android pls~

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I like, and heavily consider this!! It has been a plan of ours for awhile.

Say it were to come to mobile, would you prefer it the exact game design [sideway landscape] where you held the phone sideways?